What is React State ?

In React, “state” refers to an object that holds data or information that can change over time. It represents the dynamic part of a React component, allowing the component to keep track of and manage its own data. State is a fundamental concept in React, and it is used to build dynamic and interactive user … Read more

React Component in Files

In a React application, you often define your components in separate files to keep your code organized and maintainable. This modular approach allows you to create, reuse, and manage your components more effectively. Here’s a typical structure for organizing React components in files: By organizing your React components into separate files and directories, you can … Read more

Nested Component in React

In React, you can nest components by rendering one component within another component. This approach is crucial for building complex user interfaces and creating a component hierarchy. Nesting components allows you to break down your UI into smaller, reusable, and manageable parts. Here’s how you can nest components in React: Nesting components is a fundamental … Read more

React js application modification after installation?

Modifying a React.js application after the initial installation involves making changes to its source code, adding or updating components, and managing dependencies. Here’s a step-by-step guide on how to modify a React.js application: 1. Navigate to Your React App’s Directory: Use the terminal or command prompt to navigate to the directory where your React.js application … Read more

React js directly in HTML

In recent years, React.js has become a powerhouse in the world of web development, enabling developers to build dynamic and interactive user interfaces efficiently. While React is commonly used in conjunction with tools like Create React App and a build system for larger projects, it is also possible to incorporate React.js directly into an HTML … Read more