BECU’s routing number is 325081403. It is a nine-digit number that is used to identify BECU as the financial institution where your account is held. You can find your routing number on your checks, in your online banking profile, or by contacting BECU customer service.
Here are some additional details about BECU’s routing number:
- The first two digits of the routing number identify the Federal Reserve Bank where the account is held.
- The next three digits identify the financial institution.
- The last four digits identify the specific branch of the financial institution where the account is held.
BECU, or Boeing Employees’ Credit Union, is a not-for-profit financial cooperative that was founded in 1935 by 18 Boeing employees. BECU is headquartered in Tukwila, Washington, and has over 1.3 million members. BECU offers a wide range of financial products and services, including checking and savings accounts, loans, credit cards, and investments. BECU is also a leader in financial education and community outreach.
Here are some of the benefits of banking with BECU:
- Not-for-profit: BECU is a not-for-profit financial cooperative, which means that its profits are returned to its members in the form of lower fees and higher interest rates.
- Member-owned: BECU is owned by its members, which means that members have a say in how the credit union is run.
- Wide range of products and services: BECU offers a wide range of financial products and services to meet the needs of its members.
- Financial education: BECU offers a variety of financial education resources to help its members make informed financial decisions.
- Community outreach: BECU is committed to giving back to the community. The credit union supports a variety of local organizations and initiatives.
What is BECU’s routing number?
BECU’s routing number is 325081403.
Where can I find BECU’s routing number?
You can find BECU’s routing number on your checks, in your online banking profile, or by contacting BECU customer service.
What is a routing number?
A routing number is a nine-digit number that is used to identify the financial institution where an account is held. It is used for electronic payments, such as direct deposits and bill payments. It is also used to make wire transfers.
Why do I need BECU’s routing number?
You need BECU’s routing number when you need to make an electronic payment to someone who has a BECU account. This could include setting up direct deposit for your paycheck, paying a bill, or making a wire transfer.
What happens if I enter the wrong BECU routing number?
If you enter the wrong BECU routing number, the payment may be rejected or delayed. In some cases, the payment may even be sent to the wrong account. If this happens, you will need to contact the person or company you sent the payment to and let them know about the mistake. They may be able to cancel the payment and send it again with the correct routing number.
How can I protect my BECU routing number?
You can protect your BECU routing number by not sharing it with anyone you do not trust. You should also be careful when entering your routing number online or over the phone. Make sure that the website or phone number is secure before entering your information.