output_add_rewrite_var in PHP

output_add_rewrite_var — Add URL rewriter values This function adds another name/value pair to the URL rewrite mechanism. The name and value will be added to URLs (as GET parameter) and forms (as hidden input fields) the same way as the session ID when transparent URL rewriting is enabled with session.use_trans_sid. output_add_rewrite_var Example

ob_start in PHP

ob_start — Turn on output buffering This function will turn output buffering on. While output buffering is active no output is sent from the script (other than headers), instead the output is stored in an internal buffer. The contents of this internal buffer may be copied into a string variable using ob_get_contents(). To output what is stored … Read more

ob_implicit_flush in PHP

ob_implicit_flush — Turn implicit flush on/off ob_implicit_flush() will turn implicit flushing on or off. Implicit flushing will result in a flush operation after every output call, so that explicit calls to flush() will no longer be needed. Example

ob_gzhandler in PHP

ob_gzhandler — ob_start callback function to gzip output buffer ob_gzhandler() is intended to be used as a callback function for ob_start() to help facilitate sending gz-encoded data to web browsers that support compressed web pages. Before ob_gzhandler() actually sends compressed data, it determines what type of content encoding the browser will accept (“gzip“, “deflate” or none at … Read more

ob_get_level in PHP

ob_get_level — Return the nesting level of the output buffering mechanism Returns the nesting level of the output buffering mechanism. Example This can be used to handle exceptions properly when using output buffering for rendering a view which may or may not be using output buffering

ob_get_flush in PHP

ob_get_flush — Flush the output buffer, return it as a string and turn off output buffering ob_get_flush() flushes the output buffer, return it as a string and turns off output buffering. Example of ob_get_flush