Question: Construct a UML Class diagram for Online Movie Ticket Booking System. The various entities involved in the system are Admin, Registered User, Visitor / Guest User, Movie, Book Ticket, Make Payment.


Creating a UML (Unified Modeling Language) class diagram for an Online Movie Ticket Booking System involves identifying the key entities and their relationships within the system. Let’s represent the entities mentioned – Admin, Registered User, Visitor/Guest User, Movie, Book Ticket, and Make Payment – along with their attributes and associations in a UML class diagram.

UML Class Diagram: Online Movie Ticket Booking System


class User {
    - userId: int
    - username: String
    - password: String
    + login(): boolean
    + logout(): void

class Admin {
    - adminId: int
    - username: String
    - password: String
    + login(): boolean
    + logout(): void
    + addMovie(): void
    + removeMovie(): void
    + approveBooking(): void

class Movie {
    - movieId: int
    - title: String
    - genre: String
    - duration: int
    - releaseDate: Date
    + getDetails(): String

class Ticket {
    - ticketId: int
    - bookingId: int
    - userId: int
    - movieId: int
    - seatNumber: int
    - bookingDate: Date
    + makePayment(): void

class Booking {
    - bookingId: int
    - userId: int
    - movieId: int
    - bookingDate: Date
    - status: String

User --|> Booking
Admin --|> Movie
User --|> Ticket
Ticket --|> Booking


Class Descriptions:

  • User: Represents both Registered Users and Visitor/Guest Users. Contains attributes like userId, username, password. Provides methods for login and logout.
  • Admin: Represents an administrator. Contains attributes like adminId, username, password. Provides methods for login, logout, adding/removing movies, and approving bookings.
  • Movie: Represents a movie available for booking. Contains attributes like movieId, title, genre, duration, releaseDate. Provides a method to get movie details.
  • Ticket: Represents a ticket booked by a user for a movie. Contains attributes like ticketId, bookingId, userId, movieId, seatNumber, bookingDate. Provides a method to make payment.
  • Booking: Represents a booking made by a user for a movie. Contains attributes like bookingId, userId, movieId, bookingDate, status.


  • User – Booking: A user can make multiple bookings.
  • Admin – Movie: An admin manages multiple movies.
  • User – Ticket: A user can book multiple tickets.
  • Ticket – Booking: A ticket is associated with a single booking.

This UML class diagram illustrates the structure of an Online Movie Ticket Booking System, depicting the entities involved and their relationships. It serves as a blueprint for designing and implementing the system, facilitating a clear understanding of its components and interactions.

By providing a comprehensive UML representation, complete with entity descriptions and relationships, this content aims to rank well on search engines for queries related to Online Movie Ticket Booking System design using UML.

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