Plant Protection

Plant Protection

In a world where agriculture sustains our existence and ecosystems thrive on the delicate balance of flora and fauna, the importance of plant protection cannot be overstated. Plants, the silent providers of life, face an array of threats, ranging from pests and diseases to environmental stresses. Safeguarding their health is not merely a matter of … Read more

Soil and Plant Nutrition

Soil and Plant Nutrition

Soil is a thin layer of the earth’s crust that serves as the natural medium for the growth of plants. Rocks are important sources of the parent materials for soil development. Soil Constituents Soil constituents refer to the various components that make up the soil, contributing to its overall composition and fertility. These constituents can … Read more

General Conditions for Cultivation of Crops for farmers

General Conditions for Cultivation of Crops for farmers

Agricultural universities, research institutes, and Krishi Vigyan Kendras have developed various technologies to enhance farmers’ productivity and profits. However, not all farmers are benefiting from these advancements. A recent assessment in Gujarat and Maharashtra by Partnership Farming in India revealed that farmers with technical knowledge in agriculture earned higher incomes. For instance, 51% of partnership … Read more