What is The Spread Operator in javascript ES6?

In JavaScript ES6, the spread operator (...) is a syntactic feature that allows you to spread the elements of an iterable (e.g., an array or a string) or the properties of an object into another array or object. It provides a concise and convenient way to work with arrays, objects, and function arguments.

Spread in Arrays:

1. Copying Arrays:

const originalArray = [1, 2, 3];
const copiedArray = [...originalArray];

console.log(copiedArray);  // Output: [1, 2, 3]

2. Concatenating Arrays:

const array1 = [1, 2, 3];
const array2 = [4, 5, 6];
const concatenatedArray = [...array1, ...array2];

console.log(concatenatedArray);  // Output: [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6]

3. Adding Elements to an Array:

const originalArray = [1, 2, 3];
const newArray = [...originalArray, 4, 5];

console.log(newArray);  // Output: [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]

Spread in Objects:

1. Copying Objects:

const originalObject = { name: 'John', age: 30 };
const copiedObject = { ...originalObject };

console.log(copiedObject);  // Output: { name: 'John', age: 30 }

2. Merging Objects:

const object1 = { name: 'John' };
const object2 = { age: 30 };
const mergedObject = { ...object1, ...object2 };

console.log(mergedObject);  // Output: { name: 'John', age: 30 }

Spread in Function Arguments:

function exampleFunction(arg1, arg2, arg3) {
  console.log(arg1, arg2, arg3);

const args = [1, 2, 3];
exampleFunction(...args);  // Output: 1 2 3

The spread operator is versatile and widely used for its ability to simplify code in various situations. It provides a concise syntax for operations like copying, concatenating, and spreading elements in arrays or objects, making JavaScript code more expressive and readable.

Spread Operator in ES6 is three dot(…) to make a copy of array without alter or muted the original array


var array1 = [“Tallac”, “Ralston”, “Rose”]
var array2 = [“Ward”, “Blackwood”]
var array3 = […array1, …array2]
console.log(array3.join(‘, ‘)) // Tallac, Ralston, Rose, Ward, Blackwood

Without the Spead Operator(…) the reverse() method to get the last element from array. it alter the original array


var array1= [“Tallac”, “Ralston”, “Rose”]
var [last] = array1.reverse()
console.log(last) // Rose
console.log(peaks.join(‘, ‘)) // Rose, Ralston, Tallac

But with spead operator(…). it does not alter the original array. its make the copy of original array


var array1= [“Tallac”, “Ralston”, “Rose”]
var [last] = […array1].reverse()
console.log(last) // Rose
console.log(peaks.join(‘, ‘)) // Tallac, Ralston, Rose

We can also use the spread operator to collect function arguments as an array. in the given below example .we build a function that takes in n number of arguments using the spread operator

function city(...args) {
 var [start, ...remaining] = args
 var [finish, ...stops] = remaining.reverse()
 console.log(`drive through ${args.length} towns`) //  drive through 5 towns
 console.log(`start in ${start}`) // start in delhi
 console.log(`the destination is ${finish}`) //the destination is  deoria
 console.log(`stopping ${stops.length} times in between`) //stopping 4 times in in between
city("delhi", "mumbai","ghaziabad","noida","deoria")

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