How to make Bubble SeekBar in Android ?

If you’re looking to make A beautiful Android custom seek bar, which has a bubble view with progress appearing upon when seeking Here is the complete implementation of Bubble Seekbar The LATEST_VERSION: dependencies { // lite version (recommended) // e.g. implementation ‘com.xw.repo:bubbleseekbar:3.20-lite’ implementation ‘com.xw.repo:bubbleseekbar:${LATEST_VERSION}-lite’ // enhanced version // e.g. implementation ‘com.xw.repo:bubbleseekbar:3.20’ // implementation ‘com.xw.repo:bubbleseekbar:${LATEST_VERSION}’ } … Read more

How to make colored SeekBar in Android

Here i am going to use ColorSeekBar Library to make different color based seekbar Follow all these steps to make colored seedbar in Android Add the JitPack repository in your root build.gradle at the end of repositories Add the dependency activity_main.xml arrays.xml