Monitoring Device State Changes Using Broadcast Intents

Monitoring the device state is an important part of creating efficient and dynamic applications whose behavior can change based on connectivity, battery charge state, and docking status. Android broadcasts Intents for changes in each of these device states. The following sections examine how to create Intent Filters to register Broadcast Receivers that can react to … Read more

Native Broadcast Intents in Android

Many of the system Services broadcast Intents to signal changes. You can use these messages to add functionality to your own projects based on system events, such as time-zone changes, data-connection status, incoming SMS messages, or phone calls. The following list introduces some of the native actions exposed as constants in the Intent class; these … Read more

Android Contact picker app

If you’re looking to create Android Contact picker app then here you can see the complete code of Android Contact picker app Create a new ContactPicker project that includes a ContactPicker Activity: Modify the main.xml layout resource to include a single ListView control. This control will be used to display the contacts Create a new … Read more

Pending Intents in Android

The PendingIntent class provides a mechanism for creating Intents that can be fi red on your application’s behalf by another application at a later time A Pending Intent is commonly used to package Intents that will be fi red in response to a future event, such as a Widget or Notification being clicked. The PendingIntent … Read more

Local Broadcast Manager in Android

The Local Broadcast Manager was introduced to the Android Support Library to simplify the process of registering for, and sending, Broadcast Intents between components within your application Because of the reduced broadcast scope, using the Local Broadcast Manager is more efficient than sending a global broadcast. It also ensures that the Intent you broadcast cannot … Read more

Intents to Broadcast Events in Android

Broadcast Intents are used to notify applications of system or application events, extending the event-driven programming model between applications Broadcasting Intents helps make your application more open; by broadcasting an event using an Intent, you let yourself and third-party developers react to events without having to modify your original application. Within your applications you can … Read more

Implicit Intents and Late Runtime Binding

An implicit Intent is a mechanism that lets anonymous application components service action requests. That means you can ask the system to start an Activity to perform an action without knowing which application, or Activity, will be started. For example, to let users make calls from your application, you could implement a new dialer, or … Read more