Why is the execution time of the machine code less than that of source code?

Computers are incredibly powerful machines capable of performing complex tasks, but they operate based on binary code, a series of zeros and ones. High-level programming languages, such as Python, Java, C++, and many others, are designed to make coding more human-readable and intuitive. So, how does a computer understand a program written in a high-level language? Let’s delve into the process.

1. Writing the Program

The first step is writing a program using a high-level programming language. This involves writing code that specifies the desired tasks and operations to be performed by the computer. High-level languages use English-like syntax and logical structures that are easier for programmers to understand and work with.


# Python program to calculate the area of a circle
import math

radius = float(input("Enter the radius of the circle: "))
area = math.pi * radius * radius
print("The area of the circle is:", area)

In this Python example, the program calculates the area of a circle based on the user’s input of the radius.

2. Compilation or Interpretation

Once the program is written, it needs to be converted into machine code that the computer can understand and execute. This conversion is done through either compilation or interpretation.

  • Compilation: In compilation, the entire program is converted into machine code by a compiler before execution. The resulting executable file contains the translated instructions that the computer can directly execute.
  • Interpretation: In interpretation, the program is translated line by line into machine code by an interpreter during execution. This means that the interpreter reads each line of code, translates it into machine code, and then executes it immediately.


  • Compilation: Languages like C, C++, and Java are compiled. For instance, a C program is compiled using a compiler like GCC to generate an executable file.
  • Interpretation: Languages like Python and JavaScript are interpreted. For Python, the interpreter reads and executes each line of code in real-time.

3. Execution

Once the program is translated into machine code, the computer can execute it. The processor reads and processes each instruction in the machine code, performing the specified calculations and operations as per the program’s logic.

Example Execution Steps:

  1. User inputs radius (e.g., 5).
  2. Program calculates area (area = math.pi * radius * radius).
  3. Program prints the result (print("The area of the circle is:", area)).


In summary, computers understand programs written in high-level languages through a process of translation (compilation or interpretation) into machine code. High-level languages simplify programming by using human-readable syntax, which is then converted into binary instructions that the computer can execute. This process enables developers to create sophisticated software and applications without directly dealing with low-level machine code, making programming more accessible and efficient.

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