Operating-System Design and Implementation

There are, of course, no complete solutions of Operating-System Design and Implementation, but there are approaches that have proved successful

Design Goals

The first problem in designing a system is to define goals and specifications. At the highest level, the design of the system will be affected by the choice of hardware and the type of system: batch, time sharing, single user, multiuser, distributed, real time, or general purpose

Beyond this highest design level, the requirements may be much harder to specify. The requirements can, however, be divided into two basic groups: user goals and system goals

Mechanisms and Policies

The separation of policy and mechanism is important for flexibility. Policies are likely to change across places or over time. In the worst case, each change in policy would require a change in the underlying mechanism. A general mechanism insensitive to changes in policy would be more desirable. A change in policy would then require redefinition of only certain parameters of the system. For instance, consider a mechanism for giving priority to certain types of programs over others. If the mechanism is properly separated from policy, it can be used either to support a policy decision that I/O-intensive programs should have priority over CPU-intensive ones or to support the opposite policy


Early operating systems were written in assembly language. Now, although some operating systems are still written in assembly language, most are written in a higher-level language such as C or an even higher-level language such as C++. Actually, an operating system can be written in more than one language. The lowest levels of the kernel might be assembly language. Higher-level routines might be in C, and system programs might be in C or C++, in interpreted scripting languages like PERL or Python, or in shell scripts. In fact, a given Linux distribution probably includes programs written in all of those languages

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