in_array() in php

The in_array() function returns true or false, depending on whether the first argument is an element in the array given as the second argument

if (in_array(to_find, array [, strict])) { … }

If the optional third argument is true, the types of to_find and the value in the array must match. The default is to not check the data types.

in_array function Example

$people = array("Peter", "Joe", "Glenn", "Cleveland");

if (in_array("Glenn", $people))
  echo "Match found";
  echo "Match not found";
$os = array("Mac", "NT", "Irix", "Linux");
if (in_array("Irix", $os)) {
    echo "Got Irix";
if (in_array("mac", $os)) {
    echo "Got mac";
$a = array('1.10', 12.4, 1.13);

if (in_array('12.4', $a, true)) {
    echo "'12.4' found with strict check\n";

if (in_array(1.13, $a, true)) {
    echo "1.13 found with strict check\n";

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