Pete Postlethwaite

Pete Postlethwaite (February 7, 1946 - January 2, 2011) was an English stage, film and television actor. After minor television appearances including in The Professionals, Postlethwaite's first success came with the film Distant Voices, Still Lives in 1988. He played a mysterious lawyer, Mr. Kobayashi, in The Usual Suspects, and he appeared in Alien 3, In the Name of the Father, Amistad, Brassed Off, The Shipping News, The Constant Gardener, The Age of Stupid, Inception, The Town, Romeo + Juliet, and Æon Flux. In television, Postlethwaite's most notable performance was as the villain Sergeant Obadiah Hakeswill in the Sharpe television series and television movies opposite actor Sean Bean's character of Richard Sharpe. Postlethwaite was born in Warrington, England in 1946. He trained as a teacher and taught drama before training as an actor. Steven Spielberg called Postlethwaite "the best actor in the world" after working with him on The Lost World: Jurassic Park. He received an Academy Award nomination for his role in In the Name of the Father in 1993, and was made an Officer of the Order of the British Empire in the 2004 New Year's Honours List. He died of pancreatic cancer.


Name Pete Postlethwaite
Age 78 years 3 month 13 days old
Born Place Warrington, Cheshire, England, UK
Birthday 1946-02-07
Death 2011-01-02

Pete Postlethwaite Photo

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Pete Postlethwaite - FAQ

1. Pete Postlethwaite Age in 2024 ?
Pete Postlethwaite Age in 2024 is 78 years 3 month 13 days old
2. What was the birthday of Pete Postlethwaite ?
Birthday of Pete Postlethwaite was 1946-02-07
3. What was the gender of Pete Postlethwaite ?
Gender of Pete Postlethwaite was Male
4. When Pete Postlethwaite was Died ?
Pete Postlethwaite was died on 2011-01-02
5. What was nick name of Pete Postlethwaite ?
Nick name of Pete Postlethwaite was Peter William Postlethwaite,Peter Postlethwaite,Peter William "Pete" Postlethwaite, OBE,Пит Постлетуэйт,彼得·威廉·波斯尔思韦特,皮特·波斯尔思韦特
6. Where Pete Postlethwaite was born?
Pete Postlethwaite was born in Warrington, Cheshire, England, UK
Disclaimer: If some Biography of public figure people is not completed due to no public information availability

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