Shanola Hampton

Shanola Hampton (born May 27, 1977) is an American actress best known for her role as Veronica Fisher on Showtime dramedy Shameless and as the face model of Rochelle in the video game Left 4 Dead 2.


Name Shanola Hampton
Age 47 years 1 month 7 days old
Born Place Charleston - South Carolina - USA
Birthday 1977-05-27

Shanola Hampton Photo

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Shanola Hampton - FAQ

1. Shanola Hampton Age in 2024 ?
Shanola Hampton Age in 2024 is 47 years 1 month 7 days old
2. What is the birthday of Shanola Hampton ?
Birthday of Shanola Hampton is 1977-05-27
3. What is the gender of Shanola Hampton ?
Gender of Shanola Hampton is Female
4. Where Shanola Hampton was born?
Shanola Hampton was born in Charleston - South Carolina - USA
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