Random-scan systems, also known as random-scan display systems, are computer graphics systems that utilize a scanning technique where the electron beam or laser scans the display screen randomly rather than following a fixed pattern.

In a random-scan system, the display screen is divided into a grid of pixels, and the electron beam or laser selectively illuminates individual pixels to create images. Unlike other scanning techniques such as raster scanning or vector scanning, where the scanning follows a predetermined pattern, random-scan systems allow for more flexible and efficient rendering of graphics.

Random-scan systems were commonly used in the early days of computer graphics, particularly in certain computer terminals and displays. They offered advantages such as faster refresh rates, reduced memory requirements, and improved rendering of complex graphics compared to other scanning techniques.

Architecture of a simple random scan system
The architecture of a simple random scan system

However, with the advancements in display technologies, random-scan systems have become less prevalent in modern computer graphics. Raster scanning, which is used in most modern display systems like LCD and LED screens, has become the dominant technique due to its simplicity, widespread support, and compatibility with graphics standards.

While random-scan systems may not be as widely used today, they still hold historical significance in the development of computer graphics and have contributed to the evolution of display technologies.

Vector display

A vector display is a type of computer graphics display system that renders images using lines, curves, and other geometric primitives defined by mathematical equations or coordinates. Instead of relying on a grid of pixels like raster scanning or random-scan systems, vector displays draw graphics based on mathematical representations of shapes and paths

Stroke-writing display

A stroke-writing display, also known as a pen-based display or handwriting recognition display, is a type of computer display that allows users to input information by writing or drawing directly on the screen using a stylus or a digital pen.

Calligraphic display

A calligraphic display, also known as a vector stroke display, is a type of computer display technology that specializes in rendering high-quality, smooth, and precise lines and strokes. It is designed to emulate the aesthetics and characteristics of traditional calligraphy.

CRT display

A CRT (Cathode Ray Tube) display is a type of computer display technology that was widely used in older computer monitors and televisions. It consists of a vacuum tube with an electron gun that emits electrons onto a phosphor-coated screen, creating images through the manipulation of electron beams

Computer graphics

Computer graphics is a field of study and practice that deals with generating, manipulating, and displaying visual content using computers. It involves creating and rendering images, animations, and interactive graphics using various algorithms, techniques, and software.

Flight simulator

A flight simulator is a computer-based system that replicates the experience of piloting an aircraft in a realistic and interactive virtual environment. It provides a safe and cost-effective means for training pilots, conducting research, and simulating flight scenarios.

Medical imaging

Medical imaging refers to the use of various technologies and techniques to create visual representations of the internal structures and processes of the human body. It plays a crucial role in diagnosing and monitoring medical conditions, guiding treatment plans, and conducting research.

How does a random-scan system work?

A random-scan system works by selectively illuminating individual pixels on a display screen using an electron beam or laser. Here’s a step-by-step explanation of how it operates:

  1. Pixel Grid: The display screen is divided into a grid of pixels. Each pixel represents a single point on the screen and can display a specific color or intensity.
  2. Graphics Data: The computer system generates graphics data that define the desired images or shapes to be displayed on the screen. This data can include information about the position, color, and intensity of each pixel.
  3. Random Pixel Selection: Instead of following a fixed pattern, the random-scan system selects pixels to be illuminated randomly. It may use a pseudo-random algorithm or other methods to determine which pixel to address next.
  4. Addressing Pixels: The system sends instructions to the electron beam or laser to direct it to the selected pixel’s location on the screen. This involves controlling the scanning mechanism to position the beam accurately.
  5. Illumination: Once the beam reaches the designated pixel, it emits light, illuminating that specific pixel. The light can be adjusted based on the desired color and intensity specified in the graphics data.
  6. Image Construction: By repeating the process of selecting pixels, addressing them, and illuminating them, the random-scan system constructs the complete image on the display screen. The speed at which the pixels are addressed and illuminated contributes to the system’s overall refresh rate and image quality.

What are the advantages and disadvantages of random-scan systems?

Advantages of random-scan systems:

  1. Efficient Graphics Rendering: Random-scan systems can render complex graphics more efficiently compared to other scanning techniques. By selectively addressing pixels based on the graphics data, they can optimize the use of computing and memory resources.
  2. Faster Refresh Rates: Random-scan systems typically offer faster refresh rates, resulting in smoother and more responsive animations and graphics. The random nature of pixel selection allows for quicker updates of specific areas of the screen, leading to reduced flickering and improved visual quality.
  3. Reduced Memory Requirements: As random-scan systems only need to store graphics data for the pixels being addressed, they generally require less memory compared to raster scanning systems, which store data for the entire screen. This can be advantageous in situations where memory capacity is limited.

Disadvantages of random-scan systems:

  1. Limited Compatibility: Random-scan systems often lack widespread support and compatibility with modern graphics standards. They were more prevalent in older computer systems and specialized terminals, which may make it challenging to integrate them with modern hardware or software.
  2. Artifact Issues: Random pixel selection in random-scan systems can introduce certain artifacts in the displayed images. These artifacts may include “jaggies” or jagged edges on diagonal lines and “aliasing” effects, where smooth curves appear to have stair-step-like edges. These visual imperfections can affect the overall image quality.
  3. The Complexity of Implementation: Random-scan systems require more complex hardware and software implementation than raster scanning systems. The random pixel selection and addressing mechanisms involve additional computational overhead, making them more challenging to design and optimize.
  4. Limited Application Scope: With the advancements in display technologies, random-scan systems have become less common and are not suitable for all types of display applications. They may have specific niche uses but are less suited for general-purpose displays or high-resolution requirements

What are some applications of random-scan systems?

Random-scan systems, while less common in modern display technologies, have been used in various applications in the past. Here are some examples:

  1. Computer Graphics Education: Random-scan systems have been used in computer graphics education and research to demonstrate and study different scanning techniques. They provide a practical way to understand the concepts and principles of graphics rendering.
  2. CAD/CAM Systems: Computer-aided design (CAD) and computer-aided manufacturing (CAM) systems, particularly in their early stages of development, utilized random-scan systems. These systems allowed for the creation and manipulation of graphical models, enabling engineers and designers to visualize and analyze their designs.
  3. Flight Simulation: Random-scan systems have been employed in flight simulators, providing pilots and trainees with realistic visual representations of aircraft instrumentation and the surrounding environment. The ability to render complex visuals efficiently made random-scan systems suitable for creating immersive flight simulation experiences.
  4. Medical Imaging: Random-scan systems were used in certain medical imaging applications, such as early ultrasound systems. They facilitated the display of real-time ultrasound images, allowing medical professionals to visualize and diagnose various conditions.
  5. Display Terminals: In the early days of computing, random-scan systems were utilized in display terminals. These terminals were used to interact with mainframe computers and provide textual and graphical outputs. Random-scan systems allowed for the efficient rendering of characters and graphics on the terminal screens.
  6. Scientific Visualization: Random-scan systems have found applications in scientific visualization, where complex data and simulations are visually represented. They were employed in generating visualizations for scientific research, simulations, and data analysis, aiding in the understanding and interpretation of scientific phenomena

What are some examples of random-scan systems?

  1. Tektronix 4010: The Tektronix 4010 was an early random-scan display system introduced in the 1970s. It utilized a cathode ray tube (CRT) and offered a high-quality graphical output. The 4010 became popular in various applications, including computer-aided design (CAD) and scientific visualization.
  2. Evans & Sutherland Picture System: The Evans & Sutherland Picture System, introduced in the 1970s, was another example of a random-scan system. It was a computer graphics system that employed a CRT-based display and specialized hardware to generate and render complex graphics. The Picture System found applications in flight simulation, scientific visualization, and computer graphics education.
  3. AVID-1: The AVID-1 (Advanced Video Interactive Development) system was a random-scan system developed by Ampex Corporation in the 1980s. It was designed for video editing and post-production purposes, offering advanced features for manipulating video content. The AVID-1 was notable for its use of random-scan technology to provide real-time video effects and editing capabilities.
  4. HP 9845: The Hewlett-Packard (HP) 9845 was a series of computer workstations introduced in the late 1970s. These workstations incorporated a random-scan display system, allowing users to interact with graphical user interfaces (GUI) and perform tasks such as data analysis and engineering calculations.
  5. UTek Systems: UTek Systems was a company that specialized in random-scan display systems in the 1980s and 1990s. They offered a range of random-scan terminals and graphics workstations that found applications in CAD, scientific visualization, and other fields.


What is a random-scan system?

A random-scan system is a type of computer graphics system that utilizes a scanning technique where the electron beam or laser scans the display screen randomly rather than following a fixed pattern.

How does a random-scan system differ from other scanning techniques?

Random-scan systems differ from other scanning techniques such as raster scanning and vector scanning by selectively addressing pixels in a random order instead of following a predetermined pattern.

What are the advantages of using a random-scan system?

The advantages of random-scan systems include efficient graphics rendering, faster refresh rates, and reduced memory requirements compared to some other scanning techniques. They were also beneficial for certain applications in the past, such as flight simulation and early computer-aided design (CAD) systems.

What are the limitations or disadvantages of random-scan systems?

Random-scan systems have limitations such as limited compatibility with modern graphics standards, artifact issues like jagged edges or aliasing effects, the complexity of implementation, and reduced scope of application in modern display technologies.

What are the applications of random-scan systems?

Random-scan systems have been used in applications such as computer graphics education, CAD/CAM systems, flight simulation, medical imaging, display terminals, and scientific visualization. However, their use has become less common in modern times.

How does a random-scan system work?

A random-scan system works by selectively illuminating individual pixels on a display screen using an electron beam or laser. Pixels are addressed and illuminated in a random order based on the graphics data, contributing to the construction of the complete image on the screen.

What are some notable examples of random-scan systems?

Notable examples of random-scan systems include the Tektronix 4010, Evans & Sutherland Picture System, AVID-1, HP 9845, and the products of UTek Systems. These systems were used in various applications in the past.

Are random-scan systems still used today?

Random-scan systems have become less common in modern display technologies. Raster scanning and other techniques have become more prevalent due to their simplicity, compatibility, and advancements in display technologies

How do random-scan systems compare to raster scanning in terms of image quality?

Random-scan systems can offer faster refresh rates and more efficient graphics rendering compared to raster scanning. However, they may introduce certain artifacts like jagged edges and aliasing effects, which can impact the overall image quality.

Can random-scan systems display smooth curves and lines without jagged edges?

Random-scan systems can exhibit jagged edges or aliasing effects on curves and lines due to the random nature of pixel selection. Techniques like anti-aliasing can be used to mitigate these effects to some extent.

What were the primary industries or fields where random-scan systems were commonly used?

Random-scan systems were commonly used in industries and fields such as computer graphics education, CAD/CAM systems, flight simulation, medical imaging, display terminals, and scientific visualization.

Are there any alternatives or newer technologies that have replaced random-scan systems?

Yes, raster scanning and vector scanning are more commonly used in modern display technologies as they offer compatibility with industry standards and are better suited for high-resolution displays.

Can random-scan systems support color graphics?

Yes, random-scan systems can support color graphics. The electron beam or laser can be adjusted to produce different colors by controlling the intensity or wavelength of the emitted light.

What kind of hardware is required for a random-scan system?

The hardware required for a random-scan system typically includes a display screen such as a cathode ray tube (CRT) or a laser-based display, a scanning mechanism to control the movement of the electron beam or laser, and electronics to process and generate the graphics data. Additionally, the system may require specialized hardware for addressing and illuminating individual pixels in random order.

Is it possible to integrate a random-scan system with modern computer systems and software?

Integrating a random-scan system with modern computer systems and software can be challenging due to compatibility issues. Random-scan systems were more prevalent in older computer systems and may require custom drivers or software interfaces to work with modern hardware and software. However, with the advancement of display technologies, the adoption of newer scanning techniques such as raster scanning has become more common.

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