Python Program to Implements a proleptic Gregorian calendar date as a Julian day number

Python Program to Implements a proleptic Gregorian calendar

1 # Implements a proleptic Gregorian calendar date as a Julian day number.
3 class Date :
4 # Creates an object instance for the specified Gregorian date.
5 def __init__( self, month, day, year ):
6 self._julianDay = 0
7 assert self._isValidGregorian( month, day, year ), \
8 "Invalid Gregorian date."
10 # The first line of the equation, T = (M - 14) / 12, has to be changed
11 # since Python's implementation of integer division is not the same
12 # as the mathematical definition.
13 tmp = 0
14 if month < 3 :
15 tmp = -1
16 self._julianDay = day - 32075 + \
17 (1461 * (year + 4800 + tmp) // 4) + \
18 (367 * (month - 2 - tmp * 12) // 12) - \
19 (3 * ((year + 4900 + tmp) // 100) // 4)
21 # Extracts the appropriate Gregorian date component.
22 def month( self ):
23 return (self._toGregorian())[0] # returning M from (M, d, y)
25 def day( self ):
26 return (self._toGregorian())[1] # returning D from (m, D, y)
28 def year( self ):
29 return (self._toGregorian())[2] # returning Y from (m, d, Y)
31 # Returns day of the week as an int between 0 (Mon) and 6 (Sun).
32 def dayOfWeek( self ):
33 month, day, year = self._toGregorian()
34 if month < 3 :
35 month = month + 12
36 year = year - 1
37 return ((13 * month + 3) // 5 + day + \
38 year + year // 4 - year // 100 + year // 400) % 7
40 # Returns the date as a string in Gregorian format.
41 def __str__( self ):
42 month, day, year = self._toGregorian()
43 return "%02d/%02d/%04d" % (month, day, year)
45 # Logically compares the two dates.
46 def __eq__( self, otherDate ):
47 return self._julianDay == otherDate._julianDay
49 def __lt__( self, otherDate ):
50 return self._julianDay < otherDate._julianDay
52 def __le__( self, otherDate ):
53 return self._julianDay <= otherDate._julianDay
55 # The remaining methods are to be included at this point.
56 # ......
58 # Returns the Gregorian date as a tuple: (month, day, year).
59 def _toGregorian( self ):
60 A = self._julianDay + 68569
61 B = 4 * A // 146097
62 A = A - (146097 * B + 3) // 4
63 year = 4000 * (A + 1) // 1461001
64 A = A - (1461 * year // 4) + 31
65 month = 80 * A // 2447
66 day = A - (2447 * month // 80)
67 A = month // 11
68 month = month + 2 - (12 * A)
69 year = 100 * (B - 49) + year + A
70 return month, day, year

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