All operations on computers are in terms of 0’s and 1’s and hence figures are also to be stored in terms of 0’s and 1’s. Thus a picture file, when viewed inside the memory, can be no different from other files – a string of OS and 1s. However, their treatment when they are to be displayed makes the difference.
Pictures are actually formed with the help of frame-buffer display as follows
Frame buffer display contains a frame buffer, which is a storage device and stores the image in terms of 0’s and 1’s. It contains the 0’s and 1’s in terms of 8’s, or multiples of 8’s in a row. These 0’s and 1’s will be read by display controller one line at a time and sent to the screen after converting them from digital to analog. The display controller reads the contents of frame buffer one line at a time or entire digits at time. These digital images after converting into the analog will be displayed on the screen. The following figure illustrates this