Adaptive Huffman Coding in data compression

Huffman coding requires knowledge of the probabilities of the source sequence. If this knowledge is not available, Huffman coding becomes a two-pass procedure: the statistics are collected in the first pass, and the source is encoded in the second pass. In order to convert this algorithm into a one-pass procedure, Faller [24] and Gallagher [23] independently developed adaptive algorithms to construct the Huffman code based on the statistics of the symbols already encountered. These were later improved by Knuth [25] and Vitter [26].

Theoretically, if we wanted to encode the (k+1)-th symbol using the statistics of the first k symbols, we could recompute the code using the Huffman coding procedure each time a symbol is transmitted. However, this would not be a very practical approach due to the large amount of computation involved—hence, the adaptive Huffman coding procedures

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