The Deque Interface in java

The Deque interface was added by Java SE 6. It extends Queue and declares the behavior of a double-ended queue. Double-ended queues can function as standard, first-in, first-out queues or as last-in, first-out stacks. Deque is a generic interface that has this declaration:

interface Deque<E>

Here, specifies the type of objects that the deque will hold

The Methods Defined by Deque

void addFirst(E obj)Adds obj to the head of the deque. Throws an IllegalStateException
 if a capacity-restricted deque is out of space.
void addLast(E obj)Adds obj to the tail of the deque. Throws an IllegalStateException
 if a capacity-restricted deque is out of space.
Iterator<E> descendingIterator( )Returns an iterator that moves from the tail to the head of the
 deque. In other words, it returns a reverse iterator.
E getFirst( )Returns the first element in the deque. The object is not removed
 from the deque. It throws NoSuchElementException if the deque
 is empty.
E getLast( )Returns the last element in the deque. The object is not removed
 from the deque. It throws NoSuchElementException if the deque is
boolean offerFirst(E obj)Attempts to add obj to the head of the deque. Returns true if
 obj was added and false otherwise. Therefore, this method
 returns false when an attempt is made to add obj to a full,
 capacity-restricted deque.
boolean offerLast(E obj)Attempts to add obj to the tail of the deque. Returns true if obj
 was added and false otherwise.
E peekFirst( )Returns the element at the head of the deque. It returns null if
 the deque is empty. The object is not removed.
E peekLast( )Returns the element at the tail of the deque. It returns null if the
 deque is empty. The object is not removed.
E pollFirst( )Returns the element at the head of the deque, removing the
 element in the process. It returns null if the deque is empty.
E pollLast( )Returns the element at the tail of the deque, removing the
 element in the process. It returns null if the deque is empty.
E pop( )Returns the element at the head of the deque, removing it in the
 process. It throws NoSuchElementException if the deque is empty.
void push(E obj )Adds obj to the head of the deque. Throws an IllegalStateException
 if a capacity-restricted deque is out of space.
E removeFirst( )Returns the element at the head of the deque, removing the
 element in the process. It throws NoSuchElementException if
 the deque is empty.
booleanRemoves the first occurrence of obj from the deque. Returns true
removeFirstOccurrence(Object obj)if successful and false if the deque did not contain obj.
E removeLast( )Returns the element at the tail of the deque, removing the element
 in the process. It throws NoSuchElementException if the deque
 is empty.
booleanRemoves the last occurrence of obj from the deque. Returns true
removeLastOccurrence(Object obj)if successful and false if the deque did not contain obj.
The Methods Defined by Deque

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