Formatter class in java

At the core of Java’s support for creating formatted output is the Formatter class. It provides format conversions that let you display numbers, strings, and time and date in virtually any format

The Formatter Constructors

The Formatter class defines many constructors, which enable you to construct a Formatter in a variety of ways. Here is a sampling:

Formatter( )

Formatter(Appendable buf)

Formatter(Appendable buf, Locale loc)

Formatter(String filename) throws FileNotFoundException

Formatter(String filename, String charset)

throws FileNotFoundException, UnsupportedEncodingException

Formatter(File outF)

throws FileNotFoundException

Formatter(OutputStream outStrm)

The Formatter Methods

void close( )Closes the invoking Formatter. This causes any resources 
 used by the object to be released. After a Formatter has 
 been closed, it cannot be reused. An attempt to use a 
 closed Formatter results in a FormatterClosedException. 
void flush( )Flushes the format buffer. This causes any output currently 
 in the buffer to be written to the destination. This applies 
 mostly to a Formatter tied to a file. 
Formatter format(String fmtString,Formats the arguments passed via args according to the format 
Object … args)specifiers contained in fmtString. Returns the invoking object. 
Formatter format(Locale loc,Formats the arguments passed via args according to the format 
String fmtString,specifiers contained in fmtString. The locale specified by loc is 
Object … args)used for this format. Returns the invoking object. 
IOException ioException( )If the underlying object that is the destination for output throws 
 an IOException, then this exception is returned. Otherwise, 
 null is returned. 
Locale locale( )Returns the invoking object’s locale. 
Appendable out( )Returns a reference to the underlying object that is the 
 destination for output. 
String toString( )Returns a String containing the formatted output. 
Format SpecifierConversion Applied
%aFloating-point hexadecimal
%dDecimal integer
%hHash code of the argument
%eScientific notation
%fDecimal floating-point
%gUses %e or %f, whichever is shorter
%oOctal integer
%nInserts a newline character
%tTime and date
%xInteger hexadecimal
%%Inserts a % sign

A very simple example that uses Formatter

import java.util.*;

class FormatDemo {

public static void main(String args[]) { Formatter fmt = new Formatter();

fmt.format("Formatting %s is easy %d %f", "with Java", 10, 98.6);




Demonstrate the %g format specifier

import java.util.*;

class FormatDemo2 {

public static void main(String args[]) { Formatter fmt = new Formatter();

for(double i=1000; i < 1.0e+10; i *= 100) { fmt.format("%g ", i); System.out.println(fmt);






1000.000000 100000.000000

1000.000000 100000.000000 1.000000e+07

1000.000000 100000.000000 1.000000e+07 1.000000e+09

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