Mining transactions in blocks in bitcoin

A transaction transmitted across the network is not verified until it becomes part of the global distributed ledger, the blockchain. Every ten minutes on average, miners generate a new block that contains all the transactions since the last block. New transactions are constantly flowing into the network from user wallets and other applications.

As these are seen by the bitcoin network nodes, they get added to a temporary “pool” of unverified transactions maintained by each node. As miners build a new block, they add unverified transactions from this pool to a new block and then attempt to solve a very hard problem (aka Proof-of-Work) to prove the validity of that new block

Transactions are added to the new block, prioritized by the highest-fee transactions first and a few other criteria. Each miner starts the process of mining a new block of trans‐ actions as soon as they receive the previous block from the network, knowing they have lost that previous round of competition. They immediately create a new block, fill it with transactions and the fingerprint of the previous block and start calculating the Proof-of-Work for the new block.

Each miner includes a special transaction in their block, one that pays their own bitcoin address a reward of newly created bitcoins (cur‐ rently 25 BTC per block). If they find a solution that makes that block valid, they “win” this reward because their successful block is added to the global blockchain and the reward transaction they included becomes spendable. Jing, who participates in a mining pool, has set up his software to create new blocks that assign the reward to a pool address. From there, a share of the reward is distributed to Jing and other miners in proportion to the amount of work they contributed in the last round.

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