Agreement in Pepperland in distributed system

Two divisions of the Pepperland army, ‘Apple’ and ‘Orange’, are encamped at the top of two nearby hills. Further along the valley below are the invading Blue Meanies. The Pepperland divisions are safe as long as they remain in their encampments, and they can send out messengers reliably through the valley to communicate. The Pepperland divisions need to agree on which of them will lead the charge against the Blue Meanies and when the charge will take place. Even in an asynchronous Pepperland, it is possible to agree on who will lead the charge. For example, each division can send the number of its remaining members, and the one with most will lead (if a tie, division Apple wins over Orange). But when should they charge? Unfortunately, in asynchronous Pepperland, the messengers are very variable in their speed. If, say, Apple sends a messenger with the message ‘Charge!’, Orange might not receive the message for, say, three hours; or it may take, say, five minutes to arrive. In a synchronous Pepperland, there is still a coordination problem, but the divisions know some useful constraints: every message takes at least min minutes and at most max minutes to arrive. If the division that will lead the charge sends a message ‘Charge!’, it waits for min minutes; then it charges. The other division waits for 1 minute after receipt of the message, then charges. Its charge is guaranteed to be after the leading division’s, but no more than (max – min + 1) minutes after it

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