C program using structures to read and display the information about a student

Complete program using structures to read and display the information about a student.

#include <stdio.h>
#include <conio.h>
int main()
struct student
 int roll_no;
	 	 char name[80];
	 	 float fees;
	 	 char DOB[80];
struct student stud1;
	 printf("\n Enter the roll number : ");
	 scanf("%d", &stud1.roll_no);
	 printf("\n Enter the name : ");
	 scanf("%s", stud1.name);
	 printf("\n Enter the fees : ");
	 scanf("%f", &stud1.fees);
	 printf("\n Enter the DOB : ");
	 scanf("%s", stud1.DOB);
	 printf("\n ********STUDENT'S DETAILS *******");
	 printf("\n ROLL No. = %d", stud1.roll_no);
	 printf("\n NAME = %s", stud1.name);
	 printf("\n FEES = %f", stud1.fees);
printf("\n DOB = %s", stud1.DOB);
	 return 0;


Enter the roll number : 01
Enter the name : Rahul
Enter the fees : 45000
Enter the DOB : 25–09–1991
********STUDENT’S DETAILS *******
ROLL No. = 01
NAME = Rahul
FEES = 45000.00
DOB = 25–09–1991

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