Operating-System Debugging

Debugging is the activity of finding and fixing errors in a system, both in hardware and in software. Performance problems are considered bugs, so debugging can also include performance tuning, which seeks to improve performance by removing processing bottlenecks

Failure Analysis

If a process fails, most operating systems write the error information to a log file to alert system operators or users that the problem occurred. The operating system can also take a core dump—a capture of the memory of the process— and store it in a file for later analysis. (Memory was referred to as the “core” in the early days of computing.) Running programs and core dumps can be probed by a debugger, which allows a programmer to explore the code and memory of a process

Performance Tuning

Performance tuning seeks to improve performance by removing processing bottlenecks. To identify bottlenecks, we must be able to monitor system performance.

Thus, the operating system must have some means of computing and displaying measures of system behavior. In a number of systems, the operating system does this by producing trace listings of system behavior. All interesting events are logged with their time and important parameters and are written to a file.

Later, an analysis program can process the log file to determine system performance and to identify bottlenecks and inefficiencies. These same traces can be run as input for a simulation of a suggested improved system. Traces also can help people to find errors in operating-system behavior


DTrace is a facility that dynamically adds probes to a running system, both in user processes and in the kernel. These probes can be queried via the D programming language to determine an astonishing amount about the kernel, the system state, and process activities

Debugging the interactions between user-level and kernel code is nearly impossible without a toolset that understands both sets of code and can instrument the interactions. For that toolset to be truly useful, it must be able to debug any area of a system, including areas that were not written with debugging in mind, and do so without affecting system reliability. This tool must also have a minimum performance impact—ideally it should have no impact when not in use and a proportional impact during use. The DTrace tool meets these requirements and provides a dynamic, safe, low-impact debugging environment.

uid == 101
self->ts = timestamp;
@time[execname] = sum(timestamp – self->ts);
self->ts = 0;

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