Vue web storage

Web storage is a fundamental aspect of web development, allowing us to store data locally in a user’s browser. Vue.js, a popular JavaScript framework, provides a simple and efficient way to work with web storage through various plugins. In this beginner-friendly guide, we’ll explore Vue Web Storage, a convenient solution for managing local storage and session storage in Vue.js applications.

Understanding Web Storage

Before diving into Vue Web Storage, let’s grasp the basics of web storage. There are two types: local storage and session storage. Local storage persists data across browser sessions, while session storage retains data only for the duration of a single browser session.

Setting Up a Vue Project

Begin by setting up a new Vue.js project using the Vue CLI. Open your terminal and run:

vue create vue-web-storage-example

Navigate to the project directory:

cd vue-web-storage-example

Installing Vue Web Storage

Install the vue-web-storage package to simplify working with web storage in your Vue.js application:

npm install vue-web-storage --save

Using Vue Web Storage

Once installed, integrating Vue Web Storage into your Vue.js application is straightforward. Open the component where you want to use web storage, and import the necessary modules:

// src/components/MyComponent.vue
    <h1>Vue Web Storage Example</h1>
      <label for="dataInput">Enter Data:</label>
      <input v-model="dataInput" type="text" id="dataInput" />
      <button @click="saveToLocalStorage">Save to Local Storage</button>
      <button @click="saveToSessionStorage">Save to Session Storage</button>
      <h2>Stored Data:</h2>
      <p>Local Storage: {{ $ }}</p>
      <p>Session Storage: {{ $ }}</p>

export default {
  data() {
    return {
      dataInput: '',
  methods: {
    saveToLocalStorage() {
      this.$ = this.dataInput;
    saveToSessionStorage() {
      this.$ = this.dataInput;

In this example, we’re using Vue Web Storage to save and retrieve data from both local storage ($localStorage) and session storage ($sessionStorage). The saveToLocalStorage and saveToSessionStorage methods store the entered data, and the stored data is then displayed in the template.

Complete project of a minimalistic Vue.js plugin for web storage

Follow these steps to use Vue web storage

Version matrix

Vue.js versionPackage versionBranch
Version matrix


  • Choose either localStorage or sessionStorage or both
  • Prefix all of your stored keys
  • Auto JSON.stringify and JSON.parse
  • Events for cross tab communication


# yarn
yarn add vue-web-storage

# npm
npm install vue-web-storage


import {createApp} from 'vue';
import StoragePlugin from 'vue-web-storage';

const app = createApp({}).mount('#app')
// Use in your components
// this.$localStorage

Configuration (optional)

app.use(StoragePlugin, {
    prefix: 'your_app_slug_',// default `app_`
    drivers: ['session', 'local'], // default 'local'

// It will register two different instances
// this.$sessionStorage
// this.$localStorage


All methods take care of prefix in key name, so you no need to specify the prefix when using them.


Stores the value under specified key in storage. Convert value to JSON before saving. This method throws error on failure.

this.$localStorage.set('name', 'john')
this.$localStorage.set('isAdmin', true)
this.$localStorage.set('roles', ['admin', 'sub-admin'])
this.$localStorage.set('permission', {id: 2, slug: 'edit_post'})

get(key, ?defaultValue = null)

Retrieves given key value from storage, parse the value from JSON before returning. If parsing failed then throws error

this.$localStorage.get('doesNotExistsInStorage', 'defaultValue')


Removes the individual key from storage


clear(?force = false)

Returns array of keys stored in storage. Passing true will return prefixed key names.



Returns true if key exists in storage regardless of its value.



Returns the number of keys stored in storage



💡 These are not regular Vue.js events, these events to be used for cross tab communication.


Attaches a listener method to the given key. You can attach multiple methods on the same key.

const onChangeName = (newValue, OldValue, originUrl) => {
    // do something when `name` value gets changed
this.$localStorage.on('name', onChangeName);
this.$localStorage.on('name', this.anotherMethod)


Removes specified listener method form the given key.

this.$'name', this.onChangeName)


Removes all listeners for the given key otherwise clears the listeners pool when key not specified.


Install in non-module environments (without webpack)

<!-- Vue js -->
<script src=""></script>
<!-- Lastly add this package -->
<script src=""></script>
<!-- Init the plugin -->


  • This package is using Jest for testing
  • Tests can be found in __test__ folder.
  • Execute tests with this command yarn test

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