Complete program to implement using java
package com.thealgorithms.datastructures.graphs;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Queue;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.LinkedList;
* Implementation of a graph in a matrix form Also known as an adjacency matrix
* representation [Adjacency matrix -
* Wikipedia](
* @author Unknown
public class MatrixGraphs {
public static void main(String args[]) {
AdjacencyMatrixGraph graph = new AdjacencyMatrixGraph(10);
graph.addEdge(1, 2);
graph.addEdge(1, 5);
graph.addEdge(2, 5);
graph.addEdge(1, 2);
graph.addEdge(2, 3);
graph.addEdge(3, 4);
graph.addEdge(4, 1);
graph.addEdge(2, 3);
graph.addEdge(3, 9);
graph.addEdge(9, 1);
graph.addEdge(9, 8);
graph.addEdge(1, 8);
graph.addEdge(5, 6);
System.out.println("The graph matrix:");
System.out.println("Depth first order beginning at node '1':");
System.out.println("Breadth first order beginning at node '1':");
* AdjacencyMatrixGraph Implementation
class AdjacencyMatrixGraph {
* The number of vertices in the graph
private int _numberOfVertices;
* The number of edges in the graph
private int _numberOfEdges;
* The adjacency matrix for the graph
private int[][] _adjacency;
* Static variables to define whether or not an edge exists in the adjacency
* matrix
static final int EDGE_EXIST = 1;
static final int EDGE_NONE = 0;
* Constructor
public AdjacencyMatrixGraph(int givenNumberOfVertices) {
this.setAdjacency(new int[givenNumberOfVertices][givenNumberOfVertices]);
for (int i = 0; i < givenNumberOfVertices; i++) {
for (int j = 0; j < givenNumberOfVertices; j++) {
this.adjacency()[i][j] = AdjacencyMatrixGraph.EDGE_NONE;
* Updates the number of vertices in the graph
* @param newNumberOfVertices the new number of vertices
private void setNumberOfVertices(int newNumberOfVertices) {
this._numberOfVertices = newNumberOfVertices;
* Getter for `this._numberOfVertices`
* @return the number of vertices in the graph
public int numberOfVertices() {
return this._numberOfVertices;
* Updates the number of edges in the graph
* @param newNumberOfEdges
private void setNumberOfEdges(int newNumberOfEdges) {
this._numberOfEdges = newNumberOfEdges;
* Getter for `this._numberOfEdges`
* @return the number of edges
public int numberOfEdges() {
return this._numberOfEdges;
* Sets a new matrix as the adjacency matrix
* @param newAdjacency the new adjaceny matrix
private void setAdjacency(int[][] newAdjacency) {
this._adjacency = newAdjacency;
* Getter for the adjacency matrix
* @return the adjacency matrix
private int[][] adjacency() {
return this._adjacency;
* Checks if two vertices are connected by an edge
* @param from the parent vertex to check for adjacency
* @param to the child vertex to check for adjacency
* @return whether or not the vertices are adjancent
private boolean adjacencyOfEdgeDoesExist(int from, int to) {
return (this.adjacency()[from][to] != AdjacencyMatrixGraph.EDGE_NONE);
* Checks if a particular vertex exists in a graph
* @param aVertex the vertex to check for existence
* @return whether or not the vertex exists
public boolean vertexDoesExist(int aVertex) {
if (aVertex >= 0 && aVertex < this.numberOfVertices()) {
return true;
} else {
return false;
* Checks if two vertices are connected by an edge
* @param from the parent vertex to check for adjacency
* @param to the child vertex to check for adjacency
* @return whether or not the vertices are adjancent
public boolean edgeDoesExist(int from, int to) {
if (this.vertexDoesExist(from) && this.vertexDoesExist(to)) {
return (this.adjacencyOfEdgeDoesExist(from, to));
return false;
* This method adds an edge to the graph between two specified vertices
* @param from the data of the vertex the edge is from
* @param to the data of the vertex the edge is going to
* @return returns true if the edge did not exist, return false if it
* already did
public boolean addEdge(int from, int to) {
if (this.vertexDoesExist(from) && this.vertexDoesExist(to)) {
if (!this.adjacencyOfEdgeDoesExist(from, to)) {
this.adjacency()[from][to] = AdjacencyMatrixGraph.EDGE_EXIST;
this.adjacency()[to][from] = AdjacencyMatrixGraph.EDGE_EXIST;
this.setNumberOfEdges(this.numberOfEdges() + 1);
return true;
return false;
* this method removes an edge from the graph between two specified vertices
* @param from the data of the vertex the edge is from
* @param to the data of the vertex the edge is going to
* @return returns false if the edge doesn't exist, returns true if the edge
* exists and is removed
public boolean removeEdge(int from, int to) {
if (!this.vertexDoesExist(from) || !this.vertexDoesExist(to)) {
if (this.adjacencyOfEdgeDoesExist(from, to)) {
this.adjacency()[from][to] = AdjacencyMatrixGraph.EDGE_NONE;
this.adjacency()[to][from] = AdjacencyMatrixGraph.EDGE_NONE;
this.setNumberOfEdges(this.numberOfEdges() - 1);
return true;
return false;
* This method returns a list of the vertices in a depth first order
* beginning with the specified vertex
* @param startVertex the vertex to begin the traversal
* @return the list of the ordered vertices
public List<Integer> depthFirstOrder(int startVertex) {
// If the startVertex is invalid, return an empty list
if (startVertex >= _numberOfVertices || startVertex < 0) {
return new ArrayList<Integer>();
// Create an array to track the visited vertices
boolean[] visited = new boolean[_numberOfVertices];
// Create a list to keep track of the order of our traversal
ArrayList<Integer> orderList = new ArrayList<Integer>();
// Perform our DFS algorithm
depthFirstOrder(startVertex, visited, orderList);
return orderList;
* Helper method for public depthFirstOrder(int) that will perform a depth
* first traversal recursively on the graph
* @param currentVertex the currently exploring vertex
* @param visited the array of values denoting whether or not that vertex
* has been visited
* @param orderList the list to add vertices to as they are visited
private void depthFirstOrder(int currentVertex, boolean[] visited, List<Integer> orderList) {
// If this vertex has already been visited, do nothing and return
if (visited[currentVertex]) {
// Visit the currentVertex by marking it as visited and adding it
// to the orderList
visited[currentVertex] = true;
// Get the adjacency array for this vertex
int[] adjacent = _adjacency[currentVertex];
for (int i = 0; i < adjacent.length; i++) // If an edge exists between the currentVertex and the vertex
// we are considering exploring, recurse on it
if (adjacent[i] == AdjacencyMatrixGraph.EDGE_EXIST) {
depthFirstOrder(i, visited, orderList);
* This method returns a list of the vertices in a breadth first order
* beginning with the specified vertex
* @param startVertex the vertext to begin the traversal
* @return the list of the ordered vertices
public List<Integer> breadthFirstOrder(int startVertex) {
// If the specified startVertex is invalid, return an empty list
if (startVertex >= _numberOfVertices || startVertex < 0) {
return new ArrayList<Integer>();
// Create an array to keep track of the visited vertices
boolean[] visited = new boolean[_numberOfVertices];
// Create a list to keep track of the ordered vertices
ArrayList<Integer> orderList = new ArrayList<Integer>();
// Create a queue for our BFS algorithm and add the startVertex
// to the queue
Queue<Integer> queue = new LinkedList<Integer>();
// Continue until the queue is empty
while (!queue.isEmpty()) {
// Remove the first vertex in the queue
int currentVertex = queue.poll();
// If we've visited this vertex, skip it
if (visited[currentVertex]) {
// We now visit this vertex by adding it to the orderList and
// marking it as visited
visited[currentVertex] = true;
// Get the adjacency array for the currentVertex and
// check each node
int[] adjacent = _adjacency[currentVertex];
for (int vertex = 0; vertex < adjacent.length; vertex++) // If an edge exists between the current vertex and the
// vertex we are considering exploring, we add it to the queue
if (adjacent[vertex] == AdjacencyMatrixGraph.EDGE_EXIST) {
return orderList;
* this gives a list of vertices in the graph and their adjacencies
* @return returns a string describing this graph
public String toString() {
String s = " ";
for (int i = 0; i < this.numberOfVertices(); i++) {
s = s + String.valueOf(i) + " ";
s = s + " \n";
for (int i = 0; i < this.numberOfVertices(); i++) {
s = s + String.valueOf(i) + " : ";
for (int j = 0; j < this.numberOfVertices(); j++) {
s = s + String.valueOf(this._adjacency[i][j]) + " ";
s = s + "\n";
return s;