php to create chat application using websocket

Complete source code to create chat application using websocket



	Based on PHP WebSocket Server 0.2
	WebSocket Protocol 07
	 - Supported by Firefox 6 (30/08/2011)
	Whilst a big effort is made to follow the protocol documentation, the current script version may unknowingly differ.
	Please report any bugs you may find, all feedback and questions are welcome!

class PHPWebSocket
	// maximum amount of clients that can be connected at one time
	const WS_MAX_CLIENTS = 100;

	// maximum amount of clients that can be connected at one time on the same IP v4 address
	const WS_MAX_CLIENTS_PER_IP = 15;

	// amount of seconds a client has to send data to the server, before a ping request is sent to the client,
	// if the client has not completed the opening handshake, the ping request is skipped and the client connection is closed
	const WS_TIMEOUT_RECV = 10;

	// amount of seconds a client has to reply to a ping request, before the client connection is closed
	const WS_TIMEOUT_PONG = 5;

	// the maximum length, in bytes, of a frame's payload data (a message consists of 1 or more frames), this is also internally limited to 2,147,479,538
	const WS_MAX_FRAME_PAYLOAD_RECV = 100000;

	// the maximum length, in bytes, of a message's payload data, this is also internally limited to 2,147,483,647

	// internal
	const WS_FIN =  128;
	const WS_MASK = 128;

	const WS_OPCODE_TEXT =         1;
	const WS_OPCODE_BINARY =       2;
	const WS_OPCODE_CLOSE =        8;
	const WS_OPCODE_PING =         9;
	const WS_OPCODE_PONG =         10;

	const WS_PAYLOAD_LENGTH_16 = 126;
	const WS_PAYLOAD_LENGTH_63 = 127;

	const WS_READY_STATE_OPEN =       1;
	const WS_READY_STATE_CLOSED =     3;

	const WS_STATUS_NORMAL_CLOSE =             1000;
	const WS_STATUS_GONE_AWAY =                1001;
	const WS_STATUS_PROTOCOL_ERROR =           1002;
	const WS_STATUS_MESSAGE_TOO_BIG =          1004;

	const WS_STATUS_TIMEOUT = 3000;

	// global vars
	public $wsClients       = array();
	public $wsRead          = array();
	public $wsClientCount   = 0;
	public $wsClientIPCount = array();
	public $wsOnEvents      = array();

		$this->wsClients[ integer ClientID ] = array(
			0 => resource  Socket,                            // client socket
			1 => string    MessageBuffer,                     // a blank string when there's no incoming frames
			2 => integer   ReadyState,                        // between 0 and 3
			3 => integer   LastRecvTime,                      // set to time() when the client is added
			4 => int/false PingSentTime,                      // false when the server is not waiting for a pong
			5 => int/false CloseStatus,                       // close status that wsOnClose() will be called with
			6 => integer   IPv4,                              // client's IP stored as a signed long, retrieved from ip2long()
			7 => int/false FramePayloadDataLength,            // length of a frame's payload data, reset to false when all frame data has been read (cannot reset to 0, to allow reading of mask key)
			8 => integer   FrameBytesRead,                    // amount of bytes read for a frame, reset to 0 when all frame data has been read
			9 => string    FrameBuffer,                       // joined onto end as a frame's data comes in, reset to blank string when all frame data has been read
			10 => integer  MessageOpcode,                     // stored by the first frame for fragmented messages, default value is 0
			11 => integer  MessageBufferLength                // the payload data length of MessageBuffer
		$wsRead[ integer ClientID ] = resource Socket         // this one-dimensional array is used for socket_select()
															  // $wsRead[ 0 ] is the socket listening for incoming client connections
		$wsClientCount = integer ClientCount                  // amount of clients currently connected
		$wsClientIPCount[ integer IP ] = integer ClientCount  // amount of clients connected per IP v4 address

	// server state functions
	function wsStartServer($host, $port) {
		if (isset($this->wsRead[0])) return false;

		if (!$this->wsRead[0] = socket_create(AF_INET, SOCK_STREAM, SOL_TCP)) {
			return false;
		if (!socket_set_option($this->wsRead[0], SOL_SOCKET, SO_REUSEADDR, 1)) {
			return false;
		if (!socket_bind($this->wsRead[0], $host, $port)) {
			return false;
		if (!socket_listen($this->wsRead[0], 10)) {
			return false;

		$write = array();
		$except = array();

		$nextPingCheck = time() + 1;
		while (isset($this->wsRead[0])) {
			$changed = $this->wsRead;
			$result = socket_select($changed, $write, $except, 1);

			if ($result === false) {
				return false;
			elseif ($result > 0) {
				foreach ($changed as $clientID => $socket) {
					if ($clientID != 0) {
						// client socket changed
						$buffer = '';
						$bytes = @socket_recv($socket, $buffer, 4096, 0);

						if ($bytes === false) {
							// error on recv, remove client socket (will check to send close frame)
							$this->wsSendClientClose($clientID, self::WS_STATUS_PROTOCOL_ERROR);
						elseif ($bytes > 0) {
							// process handshake or frame(s)
							if (!$this->wsProcessClient($clientID, $buffer, $bytes)) {
								$this->wsSendClientClose($clientID, self::WS_STATUS_PROTOCOL_ERROR);
						else {
							// 0 bytes received from client, meaning the client closed the TCP connection
					else {
						// listen socket changed
						$client = socket_accept($this->wsRead[0]);
						if ($client !== false) {
							// fetch client IP as integer
							$clientIP = '';
							$result = socket_getpeername($client, $clientIP);
							$clientIP = ip2long($clientIP);

							if ($result !== false && $this->wsClientCount < self::WS_MAX_CLIENTS && (!isset($this->wsClientIPCount[$clientIP]) || $this->wsClientIPCount[$clientIP] < self::WS_MAX_CLIENTS_PER_IP)) {
								$this->wsAddClient($client, $clientIP);
							else {

			if (time() >= $nextPingCheck) {
				$nextPingCheck = time() + 1;

		return true; // returned when wsStopServer() is called
	function wsStopServer() {
		// check if server is not running
		if (!isset($this->wsRead[0])) return false;

		// close all client connections
		foreach ($this->wsClients as $clientID => $client) {
			// if the client's opening handshake is complete, tell the client the server is 'going away'
			if ($client[2] != self::WS_READY_STATE_CONNECTING) {
				$this->wsSendClientClose($clientID, self::WS_STATUS_GONE_AWAY);

		// close the socket which listens for incoming clients

		// reset variables
		$this->wsRead          = array();
		$this->wsClients       = array();
		$this->wsClientCount   = 0;
		$this->wsClientIPCount = array();

		return true;

	// client timeout functions
	function wsCheckIdleClients() {
		$time = time();
		foreach ($this->wsClients as $clientID => $client) {
			if ($client[2] != self::WS_READY_STATE_CLOSED) {
				// client ready state is not closed
				if ($client[4] !== false) {
					// ping request has already been sent to client, pending a pong reply
					if ($time >= $client[4] + self::WS_TIMEOUT_PONG) {
						// client didn't respond to the server's ping request in self::WS_TIMEOUT_PONG seconds
						$this->wsSendClientClose($clientID, self::WS_STATUS_TIMEOUT);
				elseif ($time >= $client[3] + self::WS_TIMEOUT_RECV) {
					// last data was received >= self::WS_TIMEOUT_RECV seconds ago
					if ($client[2] != self::WS_READY_STATE_CONNECTING) {
						// client ready state is open or closing
						$this->wsClients[$clientID][4] = time();
						$this->wsSendClientMessage($clientID, self::WS_OPCODE_PING, '');
					else {
						// client ready state is connecting

	// client existence functions
	function wsAddClient($socket, $clientIP) {
		// increase amount of clients connected

		// increase amount of clients connected on this client's IP
		if (isset($this->wsClientIPCount[$clientIP])) {
		else {
			$this->wsClientIPCount[$clientIP] = 1;

		// fetch next client ID
		$clientID = $this->wsGetNextClientID();

		// store initial client data
		$this->wsClients[$clientID] = array($socket, '', self::WS_READY_STATE_CONNECTING, time(), false, 0, $clientIP, false, 0, '', 0, 0);

		// store socket - used for socket_select()
		$this->wsRead[$clientID] = $socket;
	function wsRemoveClient($clientID) {
		// fetch close status (which could be false), and call wsOnClose
		$closeStatus = $this->wsClients[$clientID][5];
		if ( array_key_exists('close', $this->wsOnEvents) )
			foreach ( $this->wsOnEvents['close'] as $func )
				$func($clientID, $closeStatus);

		// close socket
		$socket = $this->wsClients[$clientID][0];

		// decrease amount of clients connected on this client's IP
		$clientIP = $this->wsClients[$clientID][6];
		if ($this->wsClientIPCount[$clientIP] > 1) {
		else {

		// decrease amount of clients connected

		// remove socket and client data from arrays
		unset($this->wsRead[$clientID], $this->wsClients[$clientID]);

	// client data functions
	function wsGetNextClientID() {
		$i = 1; // starts at 1 because 0 is the listen socket
		while (isset($this->wsRead[$i])) $i++;
		return $i;
	function wsGetClientSocket($clientID) {
		return $this->wsClients[$clientID][0];

	// client read functions
	function wsProcessClient($clientID, &$buffer, $bufferLength) {
		if ($this->wsClients[$clientID][2] == self::WS_READY_STATE_OPEN) {
			// handshake completed
			$result = $this->wsBuildClientFrame($clientID, $buffer, $bufferLength);
		elseif ($this->wsClients[$clientID][2] == self::WS_READY_STATE_CONNECTING) {
			// handshake not completed
			$result = $this->wsProcessClientHandshake($clientID, $buffer);
			if ($result) {
				$this->wsClients[$clientID][2] = self::WS_READY_STATE_OPEN;

				if ( array_key_exists('open', $this->wsOnEvents) )
					foreach ( $this->wsOnEvents['open'] as $func )
		else {
			// ready state is set to closed
			$result = false;

		return $result;
	function wsBuildClientFrame($clientID, &$buffer, $bufferLength) {
		// increase number of bytes read for the frame, and join buffer onto end of the frame buffer
		$this->wsClients[$clientID][8] += $bufferLength;
		$this->wsClients[$clientID][9] .= $buffer;

		// check if the length of the frame's payload data has been fetched, if not then attempt to fetch it from the frame buffer
		if ($this->wsClients[$clientID][7] !== false || $this->wsCheckSizeClientFrame($clientID) == true) {
			// work out the header length of the frame
			$headerLength = ($this->wsClients[$clientID][7] <= 125 ? 0 : ($this->wsClients[$clientID][7] <= 65535 ? 2 : 8)) + 6;

			// check if all bytes have been received for the frame
			$frameLength = $this->wsClients[$clientID][7] + $headerLength;
			if ($this->wsClients[$clientID][8] >= $frameLength) {
				// check if too many bytes have been read for the frame (they are part of the next frame)
				$nextFrameBytesLength = $this->wsClients[$clientID][8] - $frameLength;
				if ($nextFrameBytesLength > 0) {
					$this->wsClients[$clientID][8] -= $nextFrameBytesLength;
					$nextFrameBytes = substr($this->wsClients[$clientID][9], $frameLength);
					$this->wsClients[$clientID][9] = substr($this->wsClients[$clientID][9], 0, $frameLength);

				// process the frame
				$result = $this->wsProcessClientFrame($clientID);

				// check if the client wasn't removed, then reset frame data
				if (isset($this->wsClients[$clientID])) {
					$this->wsClients[$clientID][7] = false;
					$this->wsClients[$clientID][8] = 0;
					$this->wsClients[$clientID][9] = '';

				// if there's no extra bytes for the next frame, or processing the frame failed, return the result of processing the frame
				if ($nextFrameBytesLength <= 0 || !$result) return $result;

				// build the next frame with the extra bytes
				return $this->wsBuildClientFrame($clientID, $nextFrameBytes, $nextFrameBytesLength);

		return true;
	function wsCheckSizeClientFrame($clientID) {
		// check if at least 2 bytes have been stored in the frame buffer
		if ($this->wsClients[$clientID][8] > 1) {
			// fetch payload length in byte 2, max will be 127
			$payloadLength = ord(substr($this->wsClients[$clientID][9], 1, 1)) & 127;

			if ($payloadLength <= 125) {
				// actual payload length is <= 125
				$this->wsClients[$clientID][7] = $payloadLength;
			elseif ($payloadLength == 126) {
				// actual payload length is <= 65,535
				if (substr($this->wsClients[$clientID][9], 3, 1) !== false) {
					// at least another 2 bytes are set
					$payloadLengthExtended = substr($this->wsClients[$clientID][9], 2, 2);
					$array = unpack('na', $payloadLengthExtended);
					$this->wsClients[$clientID][7] = $array['a'];
			else {
				// actual payload length is > 65,535
				if (substr($this->wsClients[$clientID][9], 9, 1) !== false) {
					// at least another 8 bytes are set
					$payloadLengthExtended = substr($this->wsClients[$clientID][9], 2, 8);

					// check if the frame's payload data length exceeds 2,147,483,647 (31 bits)
					// the maximum integer in PHP is "usually" this number. More info:
					$payloadLengthExtended32_1 = substr($payloadLengthExtended, 0, 4);
					$array = unpack('Na', $payloadLengthExtended32_1);
					if ($array['a'] != 0 || ord(substr($payloadLengthExtended, 4, 1)) & 128) {
						$this->wsSendClientClose($clientID, self::WS_STATUS_MESSAGE_TOO_BIG);
						return false;

					// fetch length as 32 bit unsigned integer, not as 64 bit
					$payloadLengthExtended32_2 = substr($payloadLengthExtended, 4, 4);
					$array = unpack('Na', $payloadLengthExtended32_2);

					// check if the payload data length exceeds 2,147,479,538 (2,147,483,647 - 14 - 4095)
					// 14 for header size, 4095 for last recv() next frame bytes
					if ($array['a'] > 2147479538) {
						$this->wsSendClientClose($clientID, self::WS_STATUS_MESSAGE_TOO_BIG);
						return false;

					// store frame payload data length
					$this->wsClients[$clientID][7] = $array['a'];

			// check if the frame's payload data length has now been stored
			if ($this->wsClients[$clientID][7] !== false) {

				// check if the frame's payload data length exceeds self::WS_MAX_FRAME_PAYLOAD_RECV
				if ($this->wsClients[$clientID][7] > self::WS_MAX_FRAME_PAYLOAD_RECV) {
					$this->wsClients[$clientID][7] = false;
					$this->wsSendClientClose($clientID, self::WS_STATUS_MESSAGE_TOO_BIG);
					return false;

				// check if the message's payload data length exceeds 2,147,483,647 or self::WS_MAX_MESSAGE_PAYLOAD_RECV
				// doesn't apply for control frames, where the payload data is not internally stored
				$controlFrame = (ord(substr($this->wsClients[$clientID][9], 0, 1)) & 8) == 8;
				if (!$controlFrame) {
					$newMessagePayloadLength = $this->wsClients[$clientID][11] + $this->wsClients[$clientID][7];
					if ($newMessagePayloadLength > self::WS_MAX_MESSAGE_PAYLOAD_RECV || $newMessagePayloadLength > 2147483647) {
						$this->wsSendClientClose($clientID, self::WS_STATUS_MESSAGE_TOO_BIG);
						return false;

				return true;

		return false;
	function wsProcessClientFrame($clientID) {
		// store the time that data was last received from the client
		$this->wsClients[$clientID][3] = time();

		// fetch frame buffer
		$buffer = &$this->wsClients[$clientID][9];

		// check at least 6 bytes are set (first 2 bytes and 4 bytes for the mask key)
		if (substr($buffer, 5, 1) === false) return false;

		// fetch first 2 bytes of header
		$octet0 = ord(substr($buffer, 0, 1));
		$octet1 = ord(substr($buffer, 1, 1));

		$fin = $octet0 & self::WS_FIN;
		$opcode = $octet0 & 15;

		$mask = $octet1 & self::WS_MASK;
		if (!$mask) return false; // close socket, as no mask bit was sent from the client

		// fetch byte position where the mask key starts
		$seek = $this->wsClients[$clientID][7] <= 125 ? 2 : ($this->wsClients[$clientID][7] <= 65535 ? 4 : 10);

		// read mask key
		$maskKey = substr($buffer, $seek, 4);

		$array = unpack('Na', $maskKey);
		$maskKey = $array['a'];
		$maskKey = array(
			$maskKey >> 24,
			($maskKey >> 16) & 255,
			($maskKey >> 8) & 255,
			$maskKey & 255
		$seek += 4;

		// decode payload data
		if (substr($buffer, $seek, 1) !== false) {
			$data = str_split(substr($buffer, $seek));
			foreach ($data as $key => $byte) {
				$data[$key] = chr(ord($byte) ^ ($maskKey[$key % 4]));
			$data = implode('', $data);
		else {
			$data = '';

		// check if this is not a continuation frame and if there is already data in the message buffer
		if ($opcode != self::WS_OPCODE_CONTINUATION && $this->wsClients[$clientID][11] > 0) {
			// clear the message buffer
			$this->wsClients[$clientID][11] = 0;
			$this->wsClients[$clientID][1] = '';

		// check if the frame is marked as the final frame in the message
		if ($fin == self::WS_FIN) {
			// check if this is the first frame in the message
			if ($opcode != self::WS_OPCODE_CONTINUATION) {
				// process the message
				return $this->wsProcessClientMessage($clientID, $opcode, $data, $this->wsClients[$clientID][7]);
			else {
				// increase message payload data length
				$this->wsClients[$clientID][11] += $this->wsClients[$clientID][7];

				// push frame payload data onto message buffer
				$this->wsClients[$clientID][1] .= $data;

				// process the message
				$result = $this->wsProcessClientMessage($clientID, $this->wsClients[$clientID][10], $this->wsClients[$clientID][1], $this->wsClients[$clientID][11]);

				// check if the client wasn't removed, then reset message buffer and message opcode
				if (isset($this->wsClients[$clientID])) {
					$this->wsClients[$clientID][1] = '';
					$this->wsClients[$clientID][10] = 0;
					$this->wsClients[$clientID][11] = 0;

				return $result;
		else {
			// check if the frame is a control frame, control frames cannot be fragmented
			if ($opcode & 8) return false;

			// increase message payload data length
			$this->wsClients[$clientID][11] += $this->wsClients[$clientID][7];

			// push frame payload data onto message buffer
			$this->wsClients[$clientID][1] .= $data;

			// if this is the first frame in the message, store the opcode
			if ($opcode != self::WS_OPCODE_CONTINUATION) {
				$this->wsClients[$clientID][10] = $opcode;

		return true;
	function wsProcessClientMessage($clientID, $opcode, &$data, $dataLength) {
		// check opcodes
		if ($opcode == self::WS_OPCODE_PING) {
			// received ping message
			return $this->wsSendClientMessage($clientID, self::WS_OPCODE_PONG, $data);
		elseif ($opcode == self::WS_OPCODE_PONG) {
			// received pong message (it's valid if the server did not send a ping request for this pong message)
			if ($this->wsClients[$clientID][4] !== false) {
				$this->wsClients[$clientID][4] = false;
		elseif ($opcode == self::WS_OPCODE_CLOSE) {
			// received close message
			if (substr($data, 1, 1) !== false) {
				$array = unpack('na', substr($data, 0, 2));
				$status = $array['a'];
			else {
				$status = false;

			if ($this->wsClients[$clientID][2] == self::WS_READY_STATE_CLOSING) {
				// the server already sent a close frame to the client, this is the client's close frame reply
				// (no need to send another close frame to the client)
				$this->wsClients[$clientID][2] = self::WS_READY_STATE_CLOSED;
			else {
				// the server has not already sent a close frame to the client, send one now
				$this->wsSendClientClose($clientID, self::WS_STATUS_NORMAL_CLOSE);

		elseif ($opcode == self::WS_OPCODE_TEXT || $opcode == self::WS_OPCODE_BINARY) {
			if ( array_key_exists('message', $this->wsOnEvents) )
				foreach ( $this->wsOnEvents['message'] as $func )
					$func($clientID, $data, $dataLength, $opcode == self::WS_OPCODE_BINARY);
		else {
			// unknown opcode
			return false;

		return true;
	function wsProcessClientHandshake($clientID, &$buffer) {
		// fetch headers and request line
		$sep = strpos($buffer, "\r\n\r\n");
		if (!$sep) return false;

		$headers = explode("\r\n", substr($buffer, 0, $sep));
		$headersCount = sizeof($headers); // includes request line
		if ($headersCount < 1) return false;

		// fetch request and check it has at least 3 parts (space tokens)
		$request = &$headers[0];
		$requestParts = explode(' ', $request);
		$requestPartsSize = sizeof($requestParts);
		if ($requestPartsSize < 3) return false;

		// check request method is GET
		if (strtoupper($requestParts[0]) != 'GET') return false;

		// check request HTTP version is at least 1.1
		$httpPart = &$requestParts[$requestPartsSize - 1];
		$httpParts = explode('/', $httpPart);
		if (!isset($httpParts[1]) || (float) $httpParts[1] < 1.1) return false;

		// store headers into a keyed array: array[headerKey] = headerValue
		$headersKeyed = array();
		for ($i=1; $i<$headersCount; $i++) {
			$parts = explode(':', $headers[$i]);
			if (!isset($parts[1])) return false;

			$headersKeyed[trim($parts[0])] = trim($parts[1]);

		// check Host header was received
		if (!isset($headersKeyed['Host'])) return false;

		// check Sec-WebSocket-Key header was received and decoded value length is 16
		if (!isset($headersKeyed['Sec-WebSocket-Key'])) return false;
		$key = $headersKeyed['Sec-WebSocket-Key'];
		if (strlen(base64_decode($key)) != 16) return false;

		// check Sec-WebSocket-Version header was received and value is 7
		if (!isset($headersKeyed['Sec-WebSocket-Version']) || (int) $headersKeyed['Sec-WebSocket-Version'] < 7) return false; // should really be != 7, but Firefox 7 beta users send 8

		// work out hash to use in Sec-WebSocket-Accept reply header
		$hash = base64_encode(sha1($key.'258EAFA5-E914-47DA-95CA-C5AB0DC85B11', true));

		// build headers
		$headers = array(
			'HTTP/1.1 101 Switching Protocols',
			'Upgrade: websocket',
			'Connection: Upgrade',
			'Sec-WebSocket-Accept: '.$hash
		$headers = implode("\r\n", $headers)."\r\n\r\n";

		// send headers back to client
		$socket = $this->wsClients[$clientID][0];

		$left = strlen($headers);
		do {
			$sent = @socket_send($socket, $headers, $left, 0);
			if ($sent === false) return false;

			$left -= $sent;
			if ($sent > 0) $headers = substr($headers, $sent);
		while ($left > 0);

		return true;

	// client write functions
	function wsSendClientMessage($clientID, $opcode, $message) {
		// check if client ready state is already closing or closed
		if ($this->wsClients[$clientID][2] == self::WS_READY_STATE_CLOSING || $this->wsClients[$clientID][2] == self::WS_READY_STATE_CLOSED) return true;

		// fetch message length
		$messageLength = strlen($message);

		// set max payload length per frame
		$bufferSize = 4096;

		// work out amount of frames to send, based on $bufferSize
		$frameCount = ceil($messageLength / $bufferSize);
		if ($frameCount == 0) $frameCount = 1;

		// set last frame variables
		$maxFrame = $frameCount - 1;
		$lastFrameBufferLength = ($messageLength % $bufferSize) != 0 ? ($messageLength % $bufferSize) : ($messageLength != 0 ? $bufferSize : 0);

		// loop around all frames to send
		for ($i=0; $i<$frameCount; $i++) {
			// fetch fin, opcode and buffer length for frame
			$fin = $i != $maxFrame ? 0 : self::WS_FIN;
			$opcode = $i != 0 ? self::WS_OPCODE_CONTINUATION : $opcode;

			$bufferLength = $i != $maxFrame ? $bufferSize : $lastFrameBufferLength;

			// set payload length variables for frame
			if ($bufferLength <= 125) {
				$payloadLength = $bufferLength;
				$payloadLengthExtended = '';
				$payloadLengthExtendedLength = 0;
			elseif ($bufferLength <= 65535) {
				$payloadLength = self::WS_PAYLOAD_LENGTH_16;
				$payloadLengthExtended = pack('n', $bufferLength);
				$payloadLengthExtendedLength = 2;
			else {
				$payloadLength = self::WS_PAYLOAD_LENGTH_63;
				$payloadLengthExtended = pack('xxxxN', $bufferLength); // pack 32 bit int, should really be 64 bit int
				$payloadLengthExtendedLength = 8;

			// set frame bytes
			$buffer = pack('n', (($fin | $opcode) << 8) | $payloadLength) . $payloadLengthExtended . substr($message, $i*$bufferSize, $bufferLength);

			// send frame
			$socket = $this->wsClients[$clientID][0];

			$left = 2 + $payloadLengthExtendedLength + $bufferLength;
			do {
				$sent = @socket_send($socket, $buffer, $left, 0);
				if ($sent === false) return false;

				$left -= $sent;
				if ($sent > 0) $buffer = substr($buffer, $sent);
			while ($left > 0);

		return true;
	function wsSendClientClose($clientID, $status=false) {
		// check if client ready state is already closing or closed
		if ($this->wsClients[$clientID][2] == self::WS_READY_STATE_CLOSING || $this->wsClients[$clientID][2] == self::WS_READY_STATE_CLOSED) return true;

		// store close status
		$this->wsClients[$clientID][5] = $status;

		// send close frame to client
		$status = $status !== false ? pack('n', $status) : '';
		$this->wsSendClientMessage($clientID, self::WS_OPCODE_CLOSE, $status);

		// set client ready state to closing
		$this->wsClients[$clientID][2] = self::WS_READY_STATE_CLOSING;

	// client non-internal functions
	function wsClose($clientID) {
		return $this->wsSendClientClose($clientID, self::WS_STATUS_NORMAL_CLOSE);
	function wsSend($clientID, $message, $binary=false) {
		return $this->wsSendClientMessage($clientID, $binary ? self::WS_OPCODE_BINARY : self::WS_OPCODE_TEXT, $message);

	function log( $message )
		echo date('Y-m-d H:i:s: ') . $message . "\n";

	function bind( $type, $func )
		if ( !isset($this->wsOnEvents[$type]) )
			$this->wsOnEvents[$type] = array();
		$this->wsOnEvents[$type][] = $func;

	function unbind( $type='' )
		if ( $type ) unset($this->wsOnEvents[$type]);
		else $this->wsOnEvents = array();


var FancyWebSocket = function(url)
	var callbacks = {};
	var ws_url = url;
	var conn;

	this.bind = function(event_name, callback){
		callbacks[event_name] = callbacks[event_name] || [];
		return this;// chainable

	this.send = function(event_name, event_data){
		this.conn.send( event_data );
		return this;

	this.connect = function() {
		if ( typeof(MozWebSocket) == 'function' )
			this.conn = new MozWebSocket(url);
			this.conn = new WebSocket(url);

		// dispatch to the right handlers
		this.conn.onmessage = function(evt){

		this.conn.onclose = function(){dispatch('close',null)}
		this.conn.onopen = function(){dispatch('open',null)}

	this.disconnect = function() {

	var dispatch = function(event_name, message){
		var chain = callbacks[event_name];
		if(typeof chain == 'undefined') return; // no callbacks for this event
		for(var i = 0; i < chain.length; i++){
			chain[i]( message )


<!doctype html>
	<meta charset='UTF-8' />
		input, textarea {border:1px solid #CCC;margin:0px;padding:0px}

		#body {max-width:800px;margin:auto}
		#log {width:100%;height:400px}
		#message {width:100%;line-height:20px}
	<script src=""></script>
	<script src="fancywebsocket.js"></script>
		var Server;

		function log( text ) {
			$log = $('#log');
			//Add text to log
			$log[0].scrollTop = $log[0].scrollHeight - $log[0].clientHeight;

		function send( text ) {
			Server.send( 'message', text );

		$(document).ready(function() {
			Server = new FancyWebSocket('ws://');

			$('#message').keypress(function(e) {
				if ( e.keyCode == 13 && this.value ) {
					log( 'You: ' + this.value );
					send( this.value );


			//Let the user know we're connected
			Server.bind('open', function() {
				log( "Connected." );

			//OH NOES! Disconnection occurred.
			Server.bind('close', function( data ) {
				log( "Disconnected." );

			//Log any messages sent from server
			Server.bind('message', function( payload ) {
				log( payload );


	<div id='body'>
		<textarea id='log' name='log' readonly='readonly'></textarea><br/>
		<input type='text' id='message' name='message' />



// prevent the server from timing out

// include the web sockets server script (the server is started at the far bottom of this file)
require 'class.PHPWebSocket.php';

// when a client sends data to the server
function wsOnMessage($clientID, $message, $messageLength, $binary) {
	global $Server;
	$ip = long2ip( $Server->wsClients[$clientID][6] );

	// check if message length is 0
	if ($messageLength == 0) {

	//The speaker is the only person in the room. Don't let them feel lonely.
	if ( sizeof($Server->wsClients) == 1 )
		$Server->wsSend($clientID, "There isn't anyone else in the room, but I'll still listen to you. --Your Trusty Server");
		//Send the message to everyone but the person who said it
		foreach ( $Server->wsClients as $id => $client )
			if ( $id != $clientID )
				$Server->wsSend($id, "Visitor $clientID ($ip) said \"$message\"");

// when a client connects
function wsOnOpen($clientID)
	global $Server;
	$ip = long2ip( $Server->wsClients[$clientID][6] );

	$Server->log( "$ip ($clientID) has connected." );

	//Send a join notice to everyone but the person who joined
	foreach ( $Server->wsClients as $id => $client )
		if ( $id != $clientID )
			$Server->wsSend($id, "Visitor $clientID ($ip) has joined the room.");

// when a client closes or lost connection
function wsOnClose($clientID, $status) {
	global $Server;
	$ip = long2ip( $Server->wsClients[$clientID][6] );

	$Server->log( "$ip ($clientID) has disconnected." );

	//Send a user left notice to everyone in the room
	foreach ( $Server->wsClients as $id => $client )
		$Server->wsSend($id, "Visitor $clientID ($ip) has left the room.");

// start the server
$Server = new PHPWebSocket();
$Server->bind('message', 'wsOnMessage');
$Server->bind('open', 'wsOnOpen');
$Server->bind('close', 'wsOnClose');
// for other computers to connect, you will probably need to change this to your LAN IP or external IP,
// alternatively use: gethostbyaddr(gethostbyname($_SERVER['SERVER_NAME']))
$Server->wsStartServer('', 9300);


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