Relational Operators in java

The relational operators determine the relationship that one operand has to the other. Specifically, they determine equality and ordering

==Equal to
!=Not equal to
>Greater than
<Less than
>=Greater than or equal to
<=Less than or equal to

The outcome of these operations is a boolean value. The relational operators are most frequently used in the expressions that control the if statement and the various loop statements. Any type in Java, including integers, floating-point numbers, characters, and Booleans can be compared using the equality test, ==, and the inequality test, !=. Notice that in Java equality is denoted with two equal signs, not one. (Remember: a single equal sign is the assignment operator.) Only numeric types can be compared using the ordering operators. That is, only integer, floating-point, and character operands may be compared to see which is greater or less than the other

int a = 4; int b = 1; boolean c = a < b;

Boolean Logical Operators

The Boolean logical operators shown here operate only on boolean operands. All of the binary logical operators combine two boolean values to form a resultant boolean value

&Logical AND
|Logical OR
^Logical XOR (exclusive OR)
||Short-circuit OR
&&Short-circuit AND
!Logical unary NOT
&=AND assignment
!=OR assignment
^=XOR assignment
==Equal to
!=Not equal to
?:Ternary if-then-else

The logical Boolean operators, &, |, and ^, operate on boolean values in the same way that they operate on the bits of an integer. The logical ! operator inverts the Boolean state: !true == false and !false == true

ABA | BA & BA ^ B! A

Demonstrate the boolean logical operators

class BoolLogic {
public static void main(String args[]) {
boolean a = true;
boolean b = false;
boolean c = a | b;
boolean d = a & b;
boolean e = a ^ b;
boolean f = (!a & b) | (a & !b);
boolean g = !a;
System.out.println(" a = " + a);
System.out.println(" b = " + b);
System.out.println(" a|b = " + c);
System.out.println(" a&b = " + d);
System.out.println(" a^b = " + e);
System.out.println("!a&b|a&!b = " + f);
System.out.println(" !a = " + g);


a = true
b = false
a|b = true
a&b = false
a^b = true
a&b|a&!b = true
!a = false

The ? ternary Operator

Java includes a special ternary (three-way) operator that can replace certain types of if-then-else statements. This operator is the ?. It can seem somewhat confusing at first, but the ? can be used very effectively once mastered. The ? has this general form

expression1 ? expression2 : expression3

Ternary operator Example

class Ternary {
public static void main(String args[]) {
int i, k;
i = 10;
k = i < 0 ? -i : i; // get absolute value of i
System.out.print("Absolute value of ");
System.out.println(i + " is " + k);
i = -10;
k = i < 0 ? -i : i; // get absolute value of i
System.out.print("Absolute value of ");
System.out.println(i + " is " + k);

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